Agenda #6

Agenda #6

Agenda 12:00 - 18:00

12:00 - 13:00ArrivalLunch, Sandwiches Alle-
13:00 - 13:15IntroWelcomeOliver Müller (Deactivated)MichaelLorenz ElsenCONFIRMED
13:15 - 13:45Communardo & VWThe Worlds biggest Confluence - Challenges and DevelopmentCONFIRMED
16:30 - 17:00CommunicationSecure, decentralised and real-time communication with https://matrix.org
Matthew Hodgson (https://vector.im)CONFIRMEDMatrix for AAUF6.pdf
14:15 - 14:45Synchronization of Xray test artifacts enabled by Backbone's new Java API

Backbone Issue Sync synchronizes issue data between different Jira projects and instances. Backbone's Java API enables synchronization of custom fields provided by 3rd party apps like Xray or do more advanced/customized mappings between fields. This talk illustrates Backbone's Java API as well as a use case about the synchronization of custom Xray data types. Such a synchronization enables sharing test artifacts with customers where test design and execution is spread across two Jira instances. 

Matthias Gaiser (K15t), Christina Haderer (Kapsch TrafficCom)

14:45 - 16:00Break & Networking

16:00 - 16:30Test AutomationTesting like a boss at BMW Group AftersalesDaniel Burns, MichaelCONFIRMEDTestifi - AAUF6.pdf
16:30 - 17:00CollaborationWorkplace Hub - how to integrate many collaboration tools into oneIlia Hauss, CommunardoCONFIRMED
17:00 - 17:30AtlassianBusiness Continuity & Jira AlignJoachim FuchsCONFIRMEDThe promised Jira Align intro: https://bit.ly/2mt58lG
Slide deck:
17:30 - 18:00Lightning Talks

AutoProjectCreator (Custom Plugin)

Jana BalesOliver Hundeshagen

18:00 - 19:00Pizza + Beer

19:00 - 20:00Nightshift (wink)

Atlassian Play: Icebreaker Activities

Wir würden gerne als Vorbereitung zu unserem Atlassian Slot Fragen zu Jira Align sammeln, die sich bei Euch oder Euren Kollegen (Agile Coaches, PMOs, Executives etc.) durch diese neue Lösung ergeben haben.

Frage zu Jira AlignBemerkung / Kommentar / HintergrundUnternehmensbereichUnternehmen
How does Jira Align compare to Jira Portfolio?
Is Jira Align cloud-only?
Is Jira Align part of an ELA?

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